Founder and Managing Partner of Felberg Advogados Associados Law Firm, registered at Brazillian Association, São Paulo Chapter (OAB/SP) under no. 8826 (since 2005).
Legal practitioner registered at the Brazillian Association, São Paulo Chapter (OAB/SP) under no. 99360 as of Jul.10.1989, and at the Portuguese Association, Lisbon Chapter (OAP/Lisbon Regional Council) under no. 62062L, practicing law involving both in-court and out-of-court matters, mainly in the areas litigation (real estate, property, obligations and contracts), business law, commercial matters, tax and family and succession law.
Communication Associate Director ("Sesquicentennial Project") and member of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute - IASP (Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo), where he also sits as Executive Secretary of the "Politics & Social Media" and "Literature & Law" Commissions.
Reporting President of the Ethics and Discipline Tribunal of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section, Third Disciplinary Panel.
Member of the São Paulo Lawyer's Association - AASP (Associação dos Advogados de São Paulo) since 1989, registered under no. 30603.
Founding-Partner of Federation of Portuguese Language Lawyers - FALP (Federação dos Advogados de Língua Portuguesa), based in Lisbon / Portugal, since 20/03/2020.
Vice-President of SAI (Associação dos Amigos de Itamambuca - Ubatuba/SP), in the 2010/12, 2012/14 and 2014/16 biennia, currently serving as Legal Officer.